The Brownsville Baptist Women’s Ministry has a legacy of service and discipleship within the boundaries of Brownsville and Haywood County.

Our Care & Encouragement ministry has provided for the needs of countless families during times of illness and bereavement by providing meals. Our food pantry partners with local retailers and a regional food bank to provide the indigent with emergency food in times of need. In addition, many community volunteers and the food bank come along-side our Women’s Ministry five times a year to coordinate a county-wide commodity distribution to the needy.

The Discipleship arm of our Women’s Ministry sponsors Monday evening and Wednesday morning Bible studies that are open to ladies of the community.

For more information about our Care & Encouragement or Discipleship ministries, or to participate in these areas of service, please call the church at 731-772-9753.

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

Proverbs 31:30